Thursday 18 October 2012

Aladdin The Movie

Hello kids! This is a video from the movie Aladdin. Let´s enjoy the song together!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Hope Value N11530

Class Teacher Paula Gavagnin
IT facilitator Nelba Quintana
Coordinator María Emilia Nosenzo

Hello children!
Family, friendship and hope are some of the most important values in life. Students have chosen films that illustrate the importance of following our dreams, taking care of one's family and helping our friends.

Monday 7 May 2012

School Things

Are you ready to revise vocabulary about School things?

Turn on your speakers or put on your headphones.

Click HERE to start

Saturday 28 April 2012

School Things by N1 17

Class Teacher: Guillermina Dago
Coordinator: María Emilia Nosenzo
IT facilitator: Nelba Quintana

The following texts have been produced by the students at ITC’s sessions and have not been edited to preserve their authenticity